From now on, the 2022 editions of the DKW charts are available, including the popular DKW 1800 series and DKW Vaarkaart Nederland. Most charts are currently based on 2021 dates, but will be updated during 2022, so you always have the most up-to-date charts. In other words, always an updated chart until 2023.

From now on, the 2022 editions of the DKW charts are available, including the popular DKW 1800 series and DKW Vaarkaart Nederland. Most charts are currently based on 2021 dates, but will be updated during 2022, so you always have the most up-to-date charts. In other words, always an updated chart until 2023.

Why renew now?

Sail, plan and practice now and in the winter with up-to-date charts.

You will be the first to receive the 2022 editions.

Weekly BaZ updates on DKW1800 series and DKW German Bight.

Affordably upgrade your charts

Do you have the 2021 edition of the DKW charts? Upgrade now and you will immediately receive the 2022 edition. Choose 'upgrade from' at the chart page in the shop. When you are logged in, the license code is automatically filled in and you can order the upgrade.


Complete your navigation for 2022 and order directly:

 DKW 1800 series
DKW Inland charts
DKW Imray series
DKW International

WinGPS Service Card 2022

Service Card 2022 holders receive €10 discount on the 2022 upgrades and even €20 discount on the purchase of a new DKW card (with the exception of the Imray card sets).

Don't have a WinGPS Service Card 2022 yet?
Then take advantage of the November promotion, where the Service Card 2022 is for sale for only € 70. With the Service Card you will receive the 2022 edition of WinGPS 5 and you can take advantage of several promotions and discounts.

To take advantage of this discount, you must first have purchased a Service Card. You can then order the charts in a new order. The discount will then be calculated automatically.

Which WinGPS version fits your journeys? 

Do you want to navigate on a fixed system on board, or do you prefer to always have your navigation information at hand? Or perhaps a combination of both? It's all possible with WinGPS. Now available for your iPad, iPhone, Android tablet and smartphone and your Windows laptop or on-board PC.

Choose the WinGPS version that suits your situation on board and complete your navigation package with a GPS receiver and the charts of your sailing area. This can be, for example, our own DKW charts. You can use this on all 3 systems at the same time!

Take a look at our overview of the different WinGPS versions that we currently offer and get to know our navigation programs on board. We are happy to give you personal advice on which version suits your needs.